FAQ Maritime (MED)

Frequently Asked Questions about MED Certification.

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What marking is required for a marine equipment conforming to the marine equipment regulations?

While most regulations require products to carry the UKCA mark, products certified under the Marine Equipment Regulations carry the UK Conformity Mark for Marine Equipment (also commonly reffered to as the MCA flag mark)

Is a risk analysis needed?


The adequate analysis and assessment of the risk(s) is the responsibility of the manufacturer. If the manufacturer evaluates that the applicable standards do not cover all reasonably foreseeable risks, the manufacturer should identify and analyse the risks and describe the measures taken to address them. The Approved Body involved verifies that the technical documentation addresses a risk assessment.

What should a DoC contain?

The UK declaration of conformity shall be kept up to date.

1. No. … (unique identification of the product):

2. Name and address of the manufacturer or his authorised representative: …..

3. This declaration of conformity is issued under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer (or installer): ….

4. Object of the declaration (identification of product allowing traceability. It may include a photograph, where appropriate):………………

5. The object of the declaration described above is in conformity with the relevant legislation: ………………

6. References to the relevant designated standards used or references to the specifications in relation to which conformity is declared:………………

7. Where applicable:

The Approved Body (Name, Number):………

performed (description of intervention):………

and issued the certificate: ………

8. Additional information:

Signed for and on behalf of: (place and date of issue): ………

signature (name, role): ............

When will the MCA flag mark be affixed on the product?

The product will be flag marked at the end of the production phase. The flag mark shall be followed by the number of the Approved Body which was issuing Module D/E or F/G and the year of production.

What shall the UK conformity mark look like?

In any event, the UK Conformity mark for marine equipment must: Be legible and permanently marked on the equipment which is in compliance with the Regulations; contrast the background it is printed/ stamped etc on such that is either printed on a block white background or transparent background, providing legibility is maintained; have vertical dimensions of at least 5mm with the ability to waive this for smaller products and/ or where the size of the conformity mark would not provide for legibility due to the size or nature of the product or it is not otherwise practicable to place the mark on the product in which case the mark should be placed on the accompanying paperwork or packaging; and as per the Regulations, be accompanied by the identification number of the Approved Body which issues the quality assurance module of conformity (Module D, E or F) or if module G is used, the module G certificate as well as the date of affixing the mark as indicated below (where #### would be the Approved Body Number and YY the year of affixing the conformity mark).


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